Watercolor Lettering + Gold Leafing Workshops in SF & NY

I’ll be back in San Francisco and Brooklyn for more workshops this May!
Catch my workshops at Makeshift Society and learn
Watercolor Lettering + Gold Leafing
I’m looking forward to sharing my love (and addiction) to watercolored typefaces 😛 These are some tearsheets of my watercolored alphabets, which I use in a lot of my design projects.
We’ll be using Dr. Ph Martin’s Radiant Concentrated Watercolor
so you don’t have to worry much about mixtures, and can focus on the painting process.
In class, we’ll go over different typographic styles and learn creative lettering basics.
The workshop kit includes an assortment of brushes, liquid watercolors, a watercolor pad, and lettering supplies.
‘San Francisco’ is based on art deco style type Cassanet
‘Brooklyn New York’ is based on Akzidenz-Grotesk BQ Light Condensed
Check out for the updated list of classes.
Hope to see all of you letter lovers!