I got a few new paint supplies this week, and in between work, workshops, and meetings, I test them out. Here are some sketchpad shots.
Watercolored Carnations
My current favourite detox drink at Hillside: the Colada Cooler!
Used a 10/0 round brush for this entire piece (a bit lazy to switch brushes, haha) and tried out my new Winsor & Newton Professional Watercolor set. Still getting used to the sticky pans, but I’m loving the pigment!
While we were in LA over the holidays, mu husband PJ gave a goal-setting workshop for our family, and it really helped in defining the things I want to do in the next couple of years. I’m making this one of my top priorities for this year:
PJ celebrated his birthday last Wednesday! His only wish was to spend it with family, so that’s exactly what we did, starting with lunch at Pino, and then followed by an impromtu jam with Papi, our nephew Isaiah, and Tito Armenio. Thanks to Tita Nene for taking our photos!
Not many people know this, but back in high school, I used to play the guitar for our school masses and extra long prayers before each class (hehe delaying tactics!). I even made the music for our graduation song then! haha *cringe*.
Oh, and I surprised PJ on his birthday by designing and printing this fold-out Zine containing his Wattafriend Instagram Posts and online jokes! Check out @PJLanot on Instagram and Facebook for more laughs!
We ended the day by going to Ash Wednesday mass, dinner with family, and drinks with friends. Happy birthday, Love! 🙂