Dear Frontliners, Thank you for fighting the battle for us. We are grateful to you!
To everyone else practicing social distancing, in case you are looking for things to do at home, here are some summer flowers and messages that you can print out (on regular paper, board paper, or watercolor paper) and color! Make some for yourself, and send some to your friends in the health industry, or to other frontliners you may encounter–security guards, delivery drivers, bankers, grocery & pharma staff, and to their families! They all need this reminder, and to know that we are thinking about them at this time. Or simply say a prayer for all of them while you are painting and coloring.
Painted this using LAB Handmade Watercolors on Arches 300gsm cold-pressed paper.
Euphorbia milli / Corona de Espina
Dendrobium anosmum / Summer Orchid
Cosmos sulphureus
Download the coloring sheets by clicking the links below:
You are Amazing – coloring sheet
You are Strong – coloring sheet
You are Brave – coloring sheet
We are Grateful for You – coloring sheet
Thank you to Dr. Liss Mariano @molecularliss for the project @braveheartphl initiative. Check their instagram page to see more letters to the frontliners. Keep safe, wash your hands, stay at home, and make someone smile today! 🙂