But what I really love the most about our friendship is that we encourage each other to consciously & constantly make an effort to do just that: Improve Thy Self. Whether it’s learning a new ‘life skill’, transitioning to a new job, reminding each other to pray, or even something as simple as getting a wardrobe overhaul.
I kinda OC-ed out through our years of “Improving Thy Self” and have devised a way to make the process more systematic: Towards the end of the year, I compose my Goals for The Next Year, which I e-mail to my bestfriends in the first week on January. Then I refer to the list throughout the year to check on my progress.
My 2011’s theme was Making My Creative Dreams True.
– Be positive & think twice before saying anything.
– See the good in everyone and everything.
– Please do it. Now.
– Be healthy.
– Pray!
☐ Paper Products to sell online
☐ After we move in, start building the green and sustainable design studio
☐ Write my books
☑ www.AlessandraLanot.com
☑ Get back to blogging (Well, here I am!)
☑ Focus on design for restos
☑ Jewelry and Culinary workshops in NYC (for organic/natural/vegetarian food)