Everything leads to October. 😛 My favorite month is here!
Been working on several projects, and I can’t wait to share them!! Earlier this year, I took a huge risk, and made a promise to myself to only take on design projects that I really wanted to do, and that would best reflect my design style. (Thanks to my husband for giving me the go-signal to do this!!) 2016 is my year of designing for myself—after 10 years as a graphic designer. (Wow, 10 years!)
Committing to yourself is so. freaking. scary. And crazy! You are your own client, and it’s always, always a struggle to put tasks off for later. Doing client work was pretty mechanical for me already. I would send a project brief for the client to fill up, and then based my designs on what the client needed. Now that I’m designing for myself, I’m getting used to a whole new system, where I hole up for days just painting and drawing away. That’s IF I can hole up. 😛 There are the restaurants, and meetings, and of course, workshops that pull me away from that. Also, learning how to say “no” to work is so hard for me to do. My mentality has always been “if I can do it, why shouldn’t I help you with what you need?”. I still feel guilty about being selfish with my time sometimes.
No one says that you need to start resolutions in the beginning of the year. Starting this month, I’m making it a point to be strict about my meeting schedules, so that I can spend more quality time with my paints.