I was at the Candy Fair last Saturday, September 12 at Metrotent for a Mini Botanical Watercolor workshop! It was a busy morning as the tent filled up with Candy girls and Candy cuties, but I was with my crafter friends, Anina, Mansy, Mikko, plus Reese (who I just met that day:P) so we had fun catching up while setting the booths up.
Photo from Anina
I taught a FREE mini workshop on making floral wreaths. We had very little time, so it was really just a primer class where students got to play with the materials. The participants used Dr. Ph Martins Hydrus Watercolor, and got a free Sakura Waterbrush from Craft Carrot! IFEX also gave away Canson Montval watercolor paper. I also gave away these free mini zines and postcards.
Over at the LifeAfterBreakfast booth, we sold Watercolor supplies, including brushes and paint from Craft Carrot, and paper from IFEXph.
Photo from Macy / CandyMag.com
One of the bestsellers were these leather brush holders (that I normally give out with my workshop kits).
I gave out these free Watercolored Tattoos to the first 200 guests of the fair.
(Thanks to Mansy for modelling my temp tat :P)
Thanks to Candy Magazine for allowing us to share our crafts at the Candy Fair! 🙂