Travel Diary: That Grilled Cheese Sandwich from The Movie ‘Chef’

In between museum trips and touristy spots, I try to squeeze in a bit (okay, a LOT) of craft shopping. On our first week in LA, we visited the trendy Line Hotel along Wilshire Blvd (Koreatown) to check out Poketo.
This was part of my “as-seen-on-Instagram” list. Haha, yessss, I actually made a list of craft and stationery brands to stalk during this vacation.
I actually just window-shopped at the store. 😛
After that, we headed up to the pool level for dinner at The Commissary.
The sight was a feast for my green-loving eyes.
The restaurant, which has a view of the city’s nearby skyscrapers, is housed in an actual greenhouse with hanging and potted plants everywhere.
The Commissary is by Roy Choi of Kogi food truck fame. And in case you didn’t know, he was the consultant for the movie Chef. (If you watched the movie’s credits, you’ll see Chef Roy Choi teaching Jon Favreau how to work the kitchen.)
One of my favourite parts of the movie is when Chef Carl Casper (Jon Favreau) creates the grilled cheese sandwich with so much passion (who didn’t drool while watching that?!?). If you didn’t see the movie, here’s the link to that scene.
The waiter handed us a mailer envelope with photo cards for a menu. This one sheet had all these veggies in them! Haha, it’s always a treat for vegetarians when they can order ANYTHING (and everything) off the menu.
The menu doesn’t say how the veggies are cooked, so I didn’t really know what to expect.
I ordered the Broccolini.
And of course, the Grilled Cheese Sandwich.
The sandwich tasted just like how I imagined it to be. You don’t even need to order tomato soup because it already comes with marinara dipping sauce on your plate. And that broccolini with pesto…Amazing. Now I want to go back to taste the rest of the veggies on the menu.
After downing their famous “Pimp’s cup” made of gin and beet juice, PJ and I played a match of table tennis. I lost (booooo.) but my taste buds were too happy to care! 😛
The Line Hotel
3515 Wilshire Boulevard, Los Angeles, CA 90010