Learned how to do a fishtail braid on myself, and then decided to make a metallic fishtail bracelet last night while waiting for Peej to arrive from his out-of-town worktrip. Finished the bracelet off with a tassel at the end (versus chopping it off clean) for some pompomspunk.
I never really believed in the retrograde theories, until these past few weeks when so many car accidents (and unfortunate deaths) happened, and until my laptop practically jumped out of my hands and hit the corner of my dresser like magic. Wow. My LCD cracked from behind, and I am waiting for my emotions to subside before I decide on what to do next. I really am so rational in the midst of heart breaks. Haha.
On a happier note, I got some Neon loot from my Titas Florian and Ditas, who arrived from the States this week: Neon Salmon (?) soft cotton tee from & Neon Orange Baggu, both from JCrew; Neon Pink short shorts from Mossimo; Neon nail file and mint green polish (on loan); and the Chartreuse sweater I got from F21 when I went out to lunch with them yesterday. Now, my cousin Noelle and I are planning to throw a neon party.
While sitting in traffic along EDSA, I noticed that nakikiuso si Dusit Thani sa Ombre trend. How cute. Used this photo as color inspiration for my current mani: Ombre-Orange!
Random merienda at home this week: ginataan, and organic chocolate covered goji berries, which fixes your chocolate craving with just a bite or two.

Friday night dinner at High Street with Elaine, Paul, Mark, and my inaanak Mio.
Here’s surfer boy Kai showing off his skateboarding skills (while singing Puff the Magic Dragon). What a hippie baby. Haha!