Yesterday was the perfect beach day.
Finally, no more rainclouds!
We spent the day chilling and snorkeling in Balicasag Island,
which is an hour away by boat from Panglao.
The beach was lined with so many seashells and corals. Initially, I just wanted to collect shells to create a mandala, but when I picked up a coral that looked like the letter H, I thought…Challenge accepted. Haha 😛 So, I scaled the shore to search for letters to form the entire alphabet (and I have a burnt nape to prove it), realising in the end that the hardest letters to find are M and X.
Plucked from the millions of broken corals that dotted the sand, my coral-phabet. 😛
A long makeshift swing facing the beach!
The people who live on this island are doin’ it right.
Happy weekend, everyone! 🙂