PJ is one the most simple guys in the world. I knew this from our first few conversations when we were just classmates back in college. “Nice guy” is what you give to those dudes who look squeaky clean, smile often, and give up seats for you. But PJ makes even those “nice guys” look bad. He will give his ‘last money’ for the commute to feed a street kid even if it means having to walking an extra 45minutes going home. He will never say anything bad about anyone, and always tries to see the good in every situation. He never, ever complains, and instead, is always thankful for where he is and for what he has. One time, he flew from Iloilo to Manila and stayed for less than 12hours before going back to a hosting job there, just to be with me on my birthday. He will never miss the opportunity to tell his family that he loves them. He truly is one amazing person. And all of us who are in his life are so lucky to have him.
You all know how much I love birthday parties, and every year, I suggest to have themes and cute birthday stuff for PJ’s birthday, even if he always tells me he wants it to be simple. A lot of people our age don’t like celebrating birthdays anymore because it announces to the world how old they are. This year though, PJ made a resolution to “celebrate birthdays with the enthusiasm of a 4-year old child” which is how it really should be. Instead of sulking because you are a year older, we should all celebrate life with the ones we love. And that is exactly what PJ did this year.
We started off with a salubong the night before his birthday at Pipino with his college friends, followed by a lunch celebration at The Burger Project with family and friends, and then capped off the night with an inuman at The Projects with his highschool buds.
Thanks to all those who came to celebrate with us! Happy birth-month to my man who deserves nothing less than all the love in the world.