Once upon a time, the weave on my frame loom was 3 inches tall. 😛
Like many of my craft projects, this was a little experiment, so finishing it right away wasn’t at the top of my priority list. Whenever I could find the time, I would weave a few rows in. I had no previous looming experience, and had no pattern to follow. Not having a plan takes longer, I’ve learned, because you’re designing and weaving at the same time. Don’t get me wrong, though! I totally fell in love with the weaving process.
I used DMC’s gold metallic thread, some locally farmed multicolored cotton yarns by Nooks, and my favorite slub silk yarn from India.
Yesterday, I finally finished the piece! The finished size is around 10 x 13 inches.
Can’t believe I wove a piece of fabric! 🙂 Still basking in that high you feel after completing a complex craft project.
I love feeling the bumpy textures created by thick and thin threads
Excited to weave more! Let’s see where this new addiction goes. 😛