I was nominated for the Liebster Award by Andrea!Here are the rules:
Share 11 facts about yourself.
Answer the awarder’s 11 questions.
Ask 11 questions of your own.
Nominate 11 bloggers.
Share 11 facts about yourself.
Answer the awarder’s 11 questions.
Ask 11 questions of your own.
Nominate 11 bloggers.
11 (random) facts about me:
1. I HATE ANTS. (Let’s just make that extra clear, and get it out of the way…)
2. Tell me something and I’ll forget about it. WRITE it down and I’ll remember it forever. I’ll even remember where I kept the piece of paper you wrote it on, even after a decade!
3. Some people who I only met post-college still can’t believe that I was part of the basketball team in grade school, high school and college.

Left photo: Went with PJ to the basketball court yesterday after years of not touching a bball. I can’t believe how girly I’ve become. Pink polish?!?! Haha. On the right: my basketball medals are hung next to my necklaces (I need to do something about that, haha).
5. I can play the piano and guitar.
6. I have this weird fixation on clouds. I am a proud (and geeky) member of the Cloud Appreciation Society. And YES, it’s a real org.
7. Don’t ask me about my favorite color–I don’t have one. I always just end up answering “white” because it’s “the combination of all colors”. Haha, dork.
8. Ask me, though, about my current favorite type: It’s Georgia, bold italic.
9. In high school, I had dreams of becoming a dermatologist, applied for a pre-med course in college, got in, and paid the reservation fee for the slot. In the summer before freshman year, I put up Art Adventures (my neighbourhood arts & crafts workshop for kids), and it made me realize that my heart would always be in the arts. Before registration / orsem, I wrote a letter of ‘request for change of course’ to the dean to move me to AB Communication, and THANK GOD it was approved.10. Joketime is my favorite time of the day. 😛
Andrea’s Questions:
1. Most inspiring place in the metro?
My bed & bathroom. 😛
2. Who is your favorite local artist and why?
Jose Rizal – I love Rizal’s handwriting. And all that time in Dapitan pushed him to be a crafter! Haha! He doodled, painted, carved, etc. Below are some of Rizal’s non-written works.

Fernando Amorsolo – skill + thought process. art + design. Siya yata ang sinaunang graphic designer ng Pilipinas.
Leonard Aguinaldo – incredible linocuts! I just recently discovered him on my recent trip to Baguio. Ang galiiiiing. Tribal arm party, woot!

3. Who is your favorite foreign artist and why?
Plus, not a craft skill, but I wish I could draw people.
5. Your craft goal this year:
To hold a crafternoon in another country! And to publish more how-to-DIY’s.
6. Type of music you listen to while crafting
– SomaFM poptron playlist on iTunes. Download the playlist here.
– the mixtapes that I make
7. Favorite movie and book?
Movie: The Princess Bride & Labyrinth (mental note to make PJ watch these)
Book: I can’t pick just one!!! Magtatampo ang library ko. Hehe.
8. Favorite childhood activity related to arts/crafts?
Private art class with my neighbor/teacher. She taught me how to write my name in calligraphy when I was 5!
9. Who are your craft idols?
Still Martha Stewart and her tv & magazine minions. I admire the branding and the whole empire, not necessarily the crafts they produce.
10. Favorite craft store locally
Silahis, Deovir Arts, Divisoria (specifically Tabora, Ilaya & Juan Luna streets), and my art supplier’s shop in Recto 😉
11. Describe your “craft area” at home, and share a photo if you like.
My craft room is my Lolo’s old library, which I turned into my office back when graphic design took 100% of my life. Now, it’s THE Craft Room. It’s still so messy, so for now, I’ll just share these photos that I have on the wall. These are my favorite photos of NYC (cheaply printed using my inkjet printer —need to do something about that, too! haha) from when I studied there post-college.
