Weird that I only discovered this now…
Summer Solstice: Towards the end of the longest day of the year, I watched the sun set at 6:45 pm from the plane.

Spent Saturday night in the new house of my best friend, Gin. She’s not quite ready to show the interiors to everyone, so I just snapped a random photo of her cute hotpink pencil sharpener, which was mounted on their kitchen counter.

Finally got to visit the Enchanted Farm Cafe (along Commonwealth Avenue, 2nd floor of the Human Nature building), when we met with their team and GK’s Mr. Tony Meloto himself to talk about collabs for the near future. The food is so awesome, and all-organic! Loved their All-heart veggie burger, which is served with kamote fries and a salad.

Made vegan pad thai with Dianne on a random Friday night. Mixed in some broccoli and cubed tofu and lots of fresh cilantro and bean sprouts. The thing about Thai food is that they use a lot of patis (fish sauce) so I experimented with a vegan version, which you can make and stock in your pantry:

1/2 cup Liquid Aminos (Bragg’s)
1/4 cup water
juice of half a lemon
1 tbsp coconut sugar
1 clove of garlic, smashed
dash of cayenne pepper
– mix and let it sit for 30 minutes. store the rest in a glass jar for future use. –
Happy Sunday, and happy first of July! 🙂