The psycho weather has tried to take the merry off the month of March, but my immune system and I fight back (and have so far succeeded). I thought I was going to break my almost-3year streak without cough/colds/flu; thankfully, my sore throat immediately went away with some broccoli-overload. And justlikethat, life was back to normal, or as normal as a rainy summer month can get. For me, the entire March is a slow and steady buildup to April explosions, as I feel like everything that I have been slaving over the past few weeks will only see the light of day next month.
Buuut, that’s not to say that this month has not been amazing. I have met some of the most interesting people in the past two days: Anna Meloto-Wilk, founder of Human Nature, with whom I guested on the show Workplace at GNN (thanks to Angel!); Jen, Nica and Pauline of punchdrunkpanda; Moonleaf’s marketing manager Thysz; bloggers Raleene, Lois, Helga, and Jonver; and Rags2Riches supergirls Crystal and Reese.
And since we’re nearing the end of the month, it’s high time for another Mixtape! Growing up, I always thought of March as just the exact opposite of steady. Really, March should be called run, or hop, or skip, or jump, because it is anything than a repetitive beat. Graduation, anticipation, transition. Seasons changing, the excitement of summer, and that sigh of relief.
The weather is hormonal and mighty distracting, and the only thing you can do is embrace the heat & try to survive. I therefore conclude, that every March, we should all pack our bags and head to the beach, say goodbye to the unforgiving heat of the city, and be where it’s ok to wear nothing but bikinis all day. I’m wrapping up my first quarter projects and will go on a creative retreat in the next couple of months. It’s time to migrate for a little while.