My cousin Rizza gave birth to Winter last December 10.
Congratulations to the Rawcliffes! 🙂
Photos below were taken by dad Alan and cousin Anton (Rizza’s bro).
I just realized I haven’t brought out my watercolors this entire week.
This is my semi-new Sakura palette. I like that the pigment is rich, quite similar to my Guitar paint, but more moist. It comes with a water brush, too. I have this palette, and a smaller one that’s perfect for travel. My orange sketch pads are from the Japanese store. Cheap, but I love the paper quality.

Her whole name is Winter Beagles Salud R. Rawcliffe. Yes.
3-year old Hoops named his little sister ‘Beagles’ while she was still in their mommy’s tummy. If you ask him why, he always says “Beagles means ‘no sharp teeth.” Salud is our grandmother’s name.
I cannot wait to meet her! 🙂